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适应性是主体适应其环境的特性,是物理演化系统和生物演化系统的本质属性,反映在认知上就是适应性表征。适应性表征也因此成为知识显现的方式和创造的核心,具有协调性、匹配性、互补性、模拟性和类比性,其表现方式有直接具象表征、间接具象表征、直接抽象表征和间接抽象表征,分别对应于经验主义、建构经验主义、理性主义和科学实在论。适应性表征的实现是通过科学理论核心概念的变化、定律的凝练、理论的更替、模型推理和世界观的改变展开的,具有经验上的适当性。这种经验适当性不仅是感知层次的体验,更是一种认知模式。在认知意义上,经验也是基于心理模型的,心理建模的路径有思想语言、心理表象、心理命题、思想实验和心理模拟推理。这种基于心理建模的适应性表征为科学认知和科学发现提供了有益的方法论。  相似文献   
新生代农民工过于频繁的离职行为导致企业用工成本上升,同时也阻碍了农民工的城市融入进程.基于组织支持和互惠理论,采用问卷调查的方式,实证检验了组织支持感、城市融入感及互惠与新生代农民工离职意愿之间的关系与作用机制.研究结果表明,组织支持感负向影响新生代农民工的离职意愿,城市融入感在其中起到了中介作用.同时,新生代农民工的互惠倾向对城市融入感与离职意愿的关系具有强化调节作用,并进一步调节城市融入感在组织支持感与离职意愿之间的中介作用,也即新生代农民工的互惠水平越高,城市融入感的中介作用越强.文章首次测度了新生代农民工的互惠倾向,并且验证了微观企业的组织支持能够促进新生代农民工的城市融入.研究结论为用工企业更好地理解新生代农民工心理行为机制,从而建立有效的管理措施提供了理论指导,同时为寻找新生代农民工城市融入的实现路径提供了依据.  相似文献   
为了解大学生在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控期间的焦虑状况,采用汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA),对四川、云南、重庆三省(直辖市)的3 178名大学生进行在线问卷测试。结果发现:新冠肺炎疫情防控期间大学生焦虑水平高于常模,并且与大学生的性别、就读学历层次、就读学科、每日上网时间等存在显著相关性。其中,28.48%的大学生还可能有严重焦虑;女性、专科层次、尚不清楚就读学科的大学生群体焦虑水平更为明显;精神性焦虑是新冠肺炎疫情防控期间大学生焦虑的主要特质;每日上网时间与大学生精神性焦虑水平呈显著正相关。在公共卫生事件突发时期,应积极关注大学生的心理健康状态,采取针对性措施加以有效疏导和干预,促进其心理健康发展。  相似文献   
基层公务员的职业认同对公务员队伍建设和推进国家治理能力现代化有着重要的意义。本文通过对760名基层公务员的问卷调查发现:基层公务员职业认同包括职业行为投入、职业发展认同和职业价值认同三个维度,呈现出以价值认同为核心、行为投入为外层、发展认同居中的圈层结构;基层公务员职业认同接近较高水平,但职业发展认同较低;不同类型基层公务员职业认同呈现出一定差异,其中青年公务员的职业认同显著低于中老年公务员,低职级公务员较高职级公务员职业认同更低。进一步分析发现,基层公务员职业认同能正向预测工作绩效,职业认同能负向预测离职倾向。在此基础上,本研究提出提升基层公务员职业认同的相关对策建议。  相似文献   
新生代乡村教师是乡村教育的新生力量和未来的中流砥柱,他们能否安心留在乡村学校从教,关系着乡村教育的可持续发展。为解决乡村教师"留不住"的问题,国务院办公厅于2015年6月发布《乡村教师支持计划(2015-2020年)》,从经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展等方面着手,提出了具体措施。但是通过实证研究发现:当前新生代乡村教师的离职意向仍然普遍存在,尤其是其中的男教师和工作在乡村小学的教师;新时代乡村教师的离职意向,受经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展、个人偏好、乡村文化适应性、家庭和学校支持度、教师教育满意度等多方面因素的影响,其中个人偏好和乡村文化适应性是最主要的影响因素。因此,为了更好地留住新生代乡村教师,仍需在"乡村教师支持计划"现有政策支持的基础上,进一步补充和完善相关的政策措施:(1)重视乡村教师招聘和管理过程中对个人偏好的考察与培育;(2)积极帮助新生代乡村教师适应乡村文化;(3)关心新生代乡村教师的家庭问题,提供帮助和支持;(4)重视乡村学校建设,给予新生代乡村教师更多的组织关怀;(5)出台针对乡村教师的教师教育标准。  相似文献   
2018年9月10日,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调:“要树立健康第一的教育理念,开齐开足体育课,帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣、增强体质、健全人格、锤炼意志。”这为我国未来学校体育的发展指明了方向。学校体育要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神,把增进学生的身心健康作为学校体育工作的出发点和落脚点,切实提高学生的身心健康水平,促进学生全面发展。本文首先阐述了习近平总书记重要讲话精神的核心要义,以及所体现的以人为本的思想、高度重视把学生的健康放在首位、非常关注学生的身心协调发展等。其次,就如何落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神提出了建设性意见:必须开齐开足体育课,保证校内外锻炼时间;提高体育课和课外体育活动的教育教学质量,加强学生的运动效果;“五育”并重,将学校体育纳入学校教育质量评价的重要组成部分;体育教师应树立强烈的社会责任感和使命感等措施和建议。  相似文献   
This article explores what we refer to as norm-stimuli-state discrepancies, which are disparities between people's physical-emotional responses to emotional cues and the normative meanings of those cues. Drawing on forty qualitative interviews and participant observation research at support groups, we show that people with anxiety disorders describe two forms of norm-stimuli-state discrepancies. The first form involves discrepancies of type, in which people label fearful emotional states as deviant for being caused by the “wrong” stimuli. The second involves discrepancies of intensity, in which people label fearful states as deviant for involving feelings or displays of “too much” anxiety in response to an “appropriate” stimuli. The article further addresses the role of stimuli in prompting treatment seeking. Unexpected and intense emotional distress in combination with the falling away of external cues—which we refer to as “stimuli-less fear”—serve as a critical juncture on the path to an anxiety disorder diagnosis.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of the study was to investigate whether peer support and demographic characteristics predicted food security among deaf college students. Participants: The sample included 166 deaf college students at Gallaudet University. Methods: Participants completed a bilingual online survey in American Sign Language (ASL) and English. This survey included USDA’s 6-item food security survey, questions about peer support and socio-demographic characteristics. Results: Out of 166 students (mean age =23; SD?=?6), 60.7% were food secure. About 26.4% were at-risk for low food security and another 12.9% had very low food security. The sample included respondents who identified as people of color (54%) and women (52%). Binary logistic regression revealed that compared to people who reported always receiving peer support, people who never received peer support were 16.3 times more likely to experience food insecurity (adj OR: 16.325, 95% CI 1.824–146.107). Conclusions: This study demonstrates a strong relationship between peer support and deaf college students' food security experiences.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore differences in oral health among students by military service status in postsecondary settings. Participants: Secondary data were obtained from the American College Health Association’s 2011–2014 National College Health Assessment II. Method: Demographic characteristics of the study sample were explored by calculating frequencies and percentages by military service status. Research questions were explored with maximum likelihood multiple logistic regression. Results: Service member and veteran students are at greater risk for neglecting health behaviors associated with positive oral health, including that they were less likely to get dental exams and that those who deployed in the past were the least likely to be practicing good oral health. Conclusions: The results suggest that improving oral health will contribute to improving health and mental health outcomes in this population, and provide important information for health specialists working with service members and veterans on college campuses.  相似文献   

Objective: Cocaine use is increasing. Comorbidities and diagnostic sequencing are needed among college students to inform treatment of cocaine use disorder (CUD). Method: Using electronic medical records from the psychiatric clinic at the student health care center of a large, public university from 2005 to 2015, patients diagnosed with CUD were identified. Their top mental health conditions were identified and assessed to see whether the first diagnosis of these conditions was made (1) before, (2) at the same time as, or (3) after the first diagnosis of CUD. Results: Among the 50 CUD patients, their most common mental health comorbidities were alcohol use disorder, anxiety, depression, and cannabis use disorder. Anxiety and depression were likely to be diagnosed before CUD; alcohol and cannabis use disorders were likely to be diagnosed concurrently with CUD. Conclusion: Diagnostic sequencing can be used to inform screening, workup, and treatment for patients with CUD.  相似文献   
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